Thanks for the design of this cards to Niklas Froese www.niklasfroese.de
Please send a message to kontakt@helgareihl.de, if you want to have a free pdf with all languages.
Please feel free to share or copy. Something missing? Something wrong? I´m looking forward to your hints and translations in other languages.
Thank you to: Ann-Kristin Kröger | Beatriz Ilardia | Ben Flohr | Christoph Gottlob | Christopher Spencer | Dana Postova | Diethild Simon | Dorin Scripa | Dorota Nowak | Efthimios Ioannidis | Else-Marie Haakonsen | Franci Krevh | Gitti Sardari | Gurneet Singh Gulati | Ina Reihl | Jerko Pejkovic | Judith Neumeier | Katalin Ambrus-Huszar | Keyvan | Kirsten Hohn | Kristoffer Grönlund | Khurram Habib | Kumi Masunaga | Maarten Hupperets | Michael Wagner | Nikolas Geschwill | Oliver Quast | Oriol Vallès | Ossi | Philipp Cozzio | Sabine Landmesser | Shameer Narindra Bakhda | Dr. Sampadananda Mishra | Shieun Lee-Cozzio | Sophia | Siva Ananth | Susanne Schiemenz | Tanja Roth | Tomoko "Tomtom" Yokota | Yan Gao | Vasundhara Das